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Introduction of Integrative√Axiological Approach to ICT Usage in Process of Discipline Development for Engineer Education
Engineering Education # 10, October 2009
    Wide introduction in practice of management of quality of an engineering education by application of a modern information technology in Russia is restrained compare to social and human studies on a number of objective causes – lack of regional network, as well as special software and corresponding didactic and methodical recommendations for the majority of disciplines, etc.
THE integrativno-arsiologichesky approach to designing of teaching materials, programs and courses with application of the information technologies in the engineering education. 4. Ptdagogical innovations with use it of technologies in educational process of BMSTU
Engineering Education # 08, August 2009
Term use "the information-educational environment" an essence reflexion of the situation which have developed in a traditional education system when was considered that it is system the organised set of databases of the information networks realising educational activity. Later there was a concept of "the information-pedagogical environment", presence of the databases realising information processes of open formation including besides. The concept "information field" of systems of the open remote formation, designating interrelations of information environments in a uniform information field has been put into circulation.

Engineering Education # 12, December 2008
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